![Front and back cover of the BBC Survivors DVD boxset](Graphics/BBC_Survivors_DVD_front_back.jpg)
ON 24 NOVEMBER 2008, the BBC released an 11-disc boxset of Survivors on DVD, through the 2 | entertain label. The boxset contains:
All 38 episodes of Survivors
BBC Four documentary The Cult of... Survivors, first broadcast in December 2006 (reviewed on this site in January 2007)
A photo gallery of BBC promotion stills and behind-the-scenes shots by Lucy Fleming
![Main menu from disc one of the BBC Survivors DVD boxset](Graphics/BBC_Survivors_DVD_disc_menu.jpg)
Screen-capture of a disc main menu (above); and of chapter navigation within an episode (below).
![Chapter navigation within an episode on the BBC Survivors DVD boxset](Graphics/BBC_Survivors_DVD_disc_chapter.jpg)
Notes on the release:
This release contains none of the episode commentaries, cast interviews, Viewing Notes booklets, series three documentary 'New World Rising' or other 'special feature' material included in the DD Video and DD Home Entertainment releases
The release re-uses the DD Home Entertainment subtitles for series one and three, and BBC Four's subtitles for The Cult of... Survivors. New subtitling has been provided for series two.
The 'BBC Publicity Stills' photo gallery for series two includes several of Lucy Fleming's personal photos, misattributed to the BBC. The series three photo gallery only includes BBC stills and the series one photo gallery correctly separates out BBC shots from 'Lucy Fleming's photographs'. Denis Lill's photos, included in the DD Home Entertainment releases for series three, have not been included here. The series one and two photo galleries have been designed for manual navigation. The series three photo gallery is an automated slide show.
The release is reviewed in detail on the Den of Geek and DVD Times sites
Cite this web page
Cross, R. (2021). 'Survivors three-series DVD set,' [online] Survivors: A World Away, 31 January. Available at: https://survivors-mad-dog.org.uk/a-world-away/Basics_DVD_BBC_Boxset.php. Accessed on: 15 January 2025.
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