OVER THE HILLS was the first Survivors fanzine to be produced in the show's history. Between 1994 and 1998 (following the revival of interest in the show after first transmissions of the programme on UK Gold and the release of the series one BBC VHS tapes) fourteen issues of the A4 format fanzine, edited by Carole Stevens were published.
In February 1997, Mark Wheatley (who had briefly shared editorial responsibilities on Over the Hills) published the first issue of the A5 format Whitecross Calling. A total of six issues of Whitecross Calling were published that year, with the final issue being mailed to subscribers in December 1997.
In early 1998, the first issue of the Bridgehead newsletter was published. Put together by Lynne Sweetman (who had been involved with both Over the Hills and Whitecross Calling) who was subsequently joined in her efforts by Steve Brailsford, Bridgehead began life as a double-sided A4 sheet, intended to provide fans with regular news updates, supplementing the more in-depth coverage that longer-format fanzines could provide.
Soon re-titled Survivors: Bridgehead, a total of fourteen issues were produced before the publication – now regularly comprising 8-12 pages – was again renamed in 1999; this time to become Survivors: The Newsletter. The Newsletter appeared four times yearly (settling into Spring, Autumn, Summer and Winter editions) with reasonable reliability over the following decade, with varying pagecounts. However, only three issues of the Newsletter were produced in 2009 and 2010, all with fewer pages than previously, and in Issue 68 (Winter 2010), the editors reported their intention to produce only two editions in 2011. In the event, a further four issues were published over the next two-and-a-half years, before the Newsletter ceased publication in April 2013 with issue 72.
As well as several works of self-published 'fan fiction', a further notable one-off publication was the A5 pamphlet How Did Jasper Get to Whitecross?, produced by Derek Robinson in 1995. This provided a comprehensive and exhaustive guide to all of the characters to appear in one or more episodes of the series, documenting the events and adventures in which each is involved.
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Cross, R. (2021). 'Fanzines and other publications,' [online] Survivors: A World Away, 31 January. Available at: https://survivors-mad-dog.org.uk/a-world-away/Basics_Fanzines.php. Accessed on: 15 January 2025.
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